Carol Laracuente2023-03-15T18:16:29-04:00Restorations range from 6 months to a year or more depending on availability of parts.
Do you have a shipper that can transport the bike?
Carol Laracuente2023-03-15T18:15:57-04:00Yes, we have a handful of reliable shippers that we have worked with in the past.
What does a restoration cost?
Carol Laracuente2023-03-15T18:15:32-04:00The cost of labor to do a full restoration is approximately 140 hours, disassembling, assembling, cleaning, engine rebuilding and painting.
Where do the restorations take place?
Carol Laracuente2023-03-15T18:14:45-04:00All of the magic happens at our warehouse in Miami, FL.
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